

A strong savings program is essential for any sound financial strategy.

我们牢记本杰明·富兰克林的话, “省一文就是赚一文。,” and we save our spare cash in savings accounts and certificates of deposit.

Investors who’ve accumulated an adequate cash reserve are to be commended. But as strange as it sounds, it is possible to save too much. 虽然这听起来不是什么大问题, it can be if you save too much of what you should be investing.

你看到, many investors simply put their savings into the most convenient and stable financial instrument they can find. Often that turns out to be certificates of deposit (CDs). The benefits of CDs are that they are FDIC insured (up to $250,每位存款人000美元, per federally insured institution) and generally provide a fixed rate of return.

不幸的是, placing all your savings in taxable instruments like certificates of deposit can create quite an income tax bill.

In an effort to help provide stability, some investors inadvertently produce a liability. It’s a bit like turning on all the taps in your house just to make certain the water is still running. Sure, you’ll know that the water is still running, but a lot of it will go down the drain. 解决办法很简单,就是关掉一些水龙头.

A number of financial instruments can help you to defer or eliminate income taxes. By shifting part of your cash reserves to some of these instruments, you can keep more of your money working for you and turn off the taps that hamper your money’s growth.

You can consider a number of tax-advantaged 投资s for at least a portion of your savings portfolio.

一种可能是固定年金合同. A fixed annuity is a retirement vehicle that can help you meet the challenges of tax planning, 退休计划, 投资规划. Fixed annuity contracts accumulate interest at a competitive rate. And the interest on an annuity contract is usually not taxable until it is withdrawn. Most annuities have surrender charges that are assessed in the early years of the contract if the owner surrenders the annuity before the insurance company has had the opportunity to recover the cost of issuing the contract. Also, annuity withdrawals made prior to age 59½ may be subject to a 10% federal tax penalty. The guarantees of fixed annuity contracts are contingent on the claims-paying ability and financial strength of the issuing insurance company.

Another tax-exempt 投资 vehicle is a municipal bond. Municipal bonds are issued by state and local governments and are generally free of federal income tax. 除了, they may be free of state and local taxes for investors who reside in the areas in which they are issued.

市政债券可以单独购买, 通过共同基金, 或者作为单位投资信托基金的一部分. You must select bonds carefully to ensure a worthwhile tax savings. Because municipal bonds tend to have lower yields than other bonds, the tax benefits tend to accrue to individuals with the highest tax burdens. If you sell a municipal bond at a profit, you could incur capital gains taxes. Some municipal bond interest could be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax. The principal value of bonds may fluctuate with market conditions. Bonds redeemed prior to maturity may be worth more or less than their original cost. Investments seeking to achieve higher yields also involve a higher degree of risk. 债券型共同基金也受到同样的通胀影响, 利率, and credit risks associated with their underlying bonds. 随着利率上升, 债券价格通常会下跌, 哪些因素会对债券基金的表现产生不利影响.

A number of other tax-advantaged 投资s are available. Consult with your financial professional to determine which types of tax-advantaged 投资s may be appropriate for you.

Although there is no assurance that working with a financial professional will improve 投资 results, a financial professional can evaluate your objectives and available resources and help you consider appropriate long-term financial strategies.

共同基金按招股说明书出售. Please consider the 投资 objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. 招股说明书, which contains this and other information about the 投资 company, 可以从你的金沙官网专业人士那里获得吗. Be sure to read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to invest.


The information in this newsletter is not intended as tax, 法律, 投资, 或退休建议或建议, and it may not be relied on for the ­purpose of ­avoiding any ­federal tax penalties. You are encouraged to seek guidance from an independent tax or 法律 professional. The content is derived from sources believed to be accurate. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation for the ­purchase or sale of any security. This material was written and prepared by Broadridge Advisor Solutions. ©2024 Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.